Have you ever felt the struggle of disconnecting from your digital life, even during the sunny season? Technology seems to intertwine with every aspect of our lives and it is essential to pause and reflect on its impact. Join us as we dive into the insightful thoughts of our associate, Tom Cleary, Mental Health First Aid instructor, Mindfulness Trainer, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Wellbeing Coach.
Have you ever found it hard to switch off from your emails? Ever thought you may be spending too much time on your phone or Netflix? What is ‘too much time’ anyway? Do you have clear boundaries between work and non-work now that technology has made us accessible 24/7?
Basically, how aware are you of the amount of technology in your life and whether it’s having a positive or negative impact on your wellbeing? These are questions I asked myself some time ago, and which I work with clients on now.
The topic of ‘wellbeing’ has had an increasing focus over the past few years, and within that there is a growing awareness of the digital side. This can come in two forms – the use of technology in providing everything from mindfulness to counselling sessions; but also, and the one which almost everyone can benefit from, increasing our awareness of the way we use the technology in our lives and whether it is supporting our physical and mental health… or causing us more stress and burnout.
Many people are discovering things they need to address; whether it’s time ‘vanishing’ on social media, or that “one last email” to check and blurred boundaries between work and home. I might sound like I’m very ‘anti-tech’ as I write this, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! While I have curated my use of technology much more over the past 6 years, I wouldn’t choose a technology free life. A weekend here and there, absolutely, but I love the benefits technology brings to my social life, hobbies and the convenience to work in different locations. And with friends and family abroad, I don’t think postcards have quite the same impact as video calls.
But from our morning routine, our enjoyment and productivity at work, our ability to switch off on holidays and even getting good quality sleep, the way we use technology can make or break it. And it’s not called “paying attention” for nothing… our attention is limited, and everyone is competing for more of it. When it runs out… hello stress!
With summer here and people taking holidays, this is a key time of year for people to be able to refresh their relationship with technology so they can return to both life and work refreshed, rejuvenated and recharged. Not checking our phone for work emails while on a glacier in Iceland (guilty, and the thing which made me re-evaluate!) but instead getting the most out of life.
There is still a lot of talk about ‘absence’ and yet ‘presenteeism’ (being at work when not really well enough to be there) can be a far larger problem. And another issue ‘leavism’ is on the rise – people either not taking annual leave as they don’t feel they have time, or taking leave just to spend it catching up on work. Research shows us that all this does is lead to more issues in the long run, so anxiety about taking leave (or about things like how many emails you’re coming back to!) means we have workers on the verge of burnout. The alternative is building a culture where people not only take time off but GENUINELY take time off, and come back refreshed, productive and wanting to make a real difference in their roles.
Here are some simple first steps you could try to start with:
- If you find yourself checking your phone first thing when you wake up, get an old-school alarm clock and leave your phone in another room overnight
- Try an app which tells you how often you pick your phone up – you may be shocked by the results!
- Each time you reach for your phone, tablet or laptop think “do I have a reason for this”.. And if you don’t (just killing time) make a choice to do something else
Technology is powerful and, potentially, a way of improving our wellbeing and mental health. But just like everything else, we need to give it a bit of time and thought. And as leaders, everyone can benefit when we support our colleagues to both recognise the value of time away from work, and also feel empowered to be able to do it, and do it well.
Tom Cleary
Mental Health and Wellbeing Consultant, Trainer & Facilitator
Are you ready to take the next step? Our Digital Wellbeing Online Course helps teams and individuals gain valuable insights into how technology impacts overall wellness. Discover strategies to strike balance and harness the potential for technology to to have a positive impact.
We have also created our Digital Detox Challenge, featuring a free download to kickstart your tech-life balance journey. Unplug, recharge, and experience the joys of life beyond the screen.
If you’d like to speak to us or find out more about how we could support you or your business, get in touch here. We’d love to hear from you.