
The Rise of Purpose-Driven Engineers 

The Rise of Purpose-Driven Engineers 

For today’s top engineering talent, having a purpose is just as important as having the right technical skills. More engineers are seeking roles that align with their values and let them work on projects with positive real-world impact. This shift toward purpose-driven work presents both opportunities and challenges for companies looking to recruit skilled and motivated technical teams.  

The Purpose Gap 

According to the IEEE Global Survey on the Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, 56% of engineers say working on projects that benefit society is important. However, a survey by Mercury found that 68% of software engineers would take a 10% pay cut for more meaningful work. 

This paints a picture of a widening “purpose gap” in the engineering field. The IEEE survey shows engineers value having purpose and societal impact in their work. But the Mercury finding suggests that far too often, engineers do not find true purpose in their day-to-day work to the point that engineers would sacrifice compensation for more meaningful roles. 

This reveals a troubling gap between the sense of purpose and meaning that engineers strive for, and the lack of fulfilment they find in their current positions. Engineering leaders who are able to authentically connect their teams’ work to a larger purpose and societal benefit will have a tremendous advantage in attracting, motivating, and retaining top talent within their organisations. 

Why Purpose Matters 

Decades of research have shown that having a sense of purpose in one’s work promotes greater motivation, engagement, innovation, and loyalty to teammates and organisations. For example, a study by researchers from Bentley University published in MIT Sloan Management Review found that millennial engineers who view their work as benefiting society and positively impacting others are substantially more productive and deliver higher-quality work output. 

Conversely, lack of purpose and meaning in engineering work is linked to less innovation, greater dissatisfaction, and higher turnover rates. When engineers do not feel their skills are being leveraged to truly help people and make a difference, they struggle to remain invested and engaged at organisations. 

This is why it is so critical for engineering leaders to clearly articulate an inspiring vision and purpose for their teams’ work. When engineers feel their day-to-day efforts are contributing to meaningful goals that resonate with their own personal values, they will be motivated to go the extra mile for the organisation and the community it serves. 

Strategies to Attract Purpose-Driven Engineers 

Here are some strategies engineering executives and recruiters should consider to meet the needs of purpose-oriented engineering talent: 

  • Highlight projects focused on positive real-world impacts: Engineers, especially millennials and Gen Z, care deeply about things like sustainability, inclusion, accessibility, and other socially conscious goals. Spotlighting initiatives that make lives better can create purpose. 
  • Offer paid volunteer time: Giving engineers a few paid days per year to lend their skills to social causes demonstrates an authentic commitment to a purpose beyond slogans. This can increase retention. 
  • Promote ethical, transparent values: Today’s engineers screen potential employers for things like ethics, diversity, sustainability, and transparency. Make sure your messaging and culture signal values that align. 
  • Incorporate purpose into onboarding: Discuss how the team’s work provides meaning during onboarding and set expectations around contributing to social good. 
  • Keep purpose on the radar: Don’t just recruit engineers based on purpose and then neglect it. Continually reinforce how work contributes to the community and make this part of regular check-ins. 

Bridging the Purpose Gap 

Today’s engineers want their skills to drive positive change. Companies that make purpose a priority and bridge the intention-reality gap will be rewarded with motivated teams who deliver great technical results and social impact. 

Is your company connecting engineering work to purpose? If not, you are likely struggling to attract and retain top talent in this competitive market. Rethink your approach to tap into this key motivator. 

With our specialised expertise and network Thrive Engineering Search can help you identify and recruit purpose-driven engineering talent who will thrive in roles aligned with their values. Get in touch today and let us match your company to engineers motivated to make a difference. 

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December 14, 2023


Martin Grady

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