10th September is World Suicide Prevention Day.
It is an important opportunity to raise awareness of suicide and suicide prevention. We are committed to making a difference. We have shared three short videos designed to raise awareness and help you feel confident to support someone in need.
Video 1: What should I do if someone says that they may as well not be here anymore?
This video explores the critical initial steps you can take when faced with this situation.
Video 2: Ask directly if they are thinking about suicide
Here we look at why it is important to ask directly if you think someone is having thoughts about suicide. Asking might make a difference, helping them to feel less lonely and isolated.
Video 3: Suicide Prevention – CPR
This teaches us how to provide immediate help to someone in crisis. Just like traditional CPR saves lives, mental health CPR can too.
Know what to do in a crisis:
If someone is at immediate risk of suicide, dial 999
If someone is having thoughts of suicide encourage them to call Samaritans on 116 123, or text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258