
Nurturing Wellbeing in 5 Simple Ways 

Nurturing Wellbeing in 5 Simple Ways 

Here at The Thrive Team, employee health, fulfilment and resilience motivate everything we do. We believe that when organisations invest in people holistically, prioritising mental, emotional and social wellbeing alongside physical safety, employees thrive and business results follow. 

But taking that first step towards proactively promoting and role-modelling wellbeing can feel daunting for overstretched leaders and teams. That’s why we created our simple, accessible “5 Ways to Wellbeing” download. It outlines evidence-based techniques that anyone can build into their routines to support wellbeing and resilience. 

Here’s an overview of the 5 ways to wellbeing: 

Stay Connected  

Humans inherently crave community, making social ties crucial for mood and performance. Schedule regular virtual or in-person check-ins, extend appreciation to colleagues, and share activities that energise you. Disconnecting professionally at the end of your working day also allows more presence with loved ones. 

Keep Learning  

Challenging our minds literally builds and maintains cognitive capacity over time. Allocate time for new stimuli like online courses, intriguing TED talks, skill-building hobbies or museum visits to unlock creativity, perspective and a sense of purpose. 

Be Active  

Our physical and mental health are intrinsically linked. Even brief daily movements such as walking meetings or short desk yoga flows enhance focus and resilience while reducing anxieties and fatigue. Aim for 2.5 hour per week minimum. 

Take Notice  

Stress often arises when we are preoccupied with the future or past rather than being anchored in the current moment. Practices that train our attention like mindfulness meditation build awareness of our thoughts, emotions and experiences that are unfolding right now. Noticing nature and practising gratitude further enhances our positivity. 


Caring acts that support others in small or bigger ways satisfy our core need for meaning. Lend a listening ear to colleagues, send appreciation notes or use your strengths to help neighbours and communities. Watch the positivity spread! 

While entire training programs can target workplace wellness, caring cultures start with individuals proactively nurturing healthy mindsets and habits day-to-day. Download our 5 Ways to Wellbeing guide and commit just 5-10 minutes per day this week to kick-start some positive changes. Consistency creates greater changes over time, so keep investing in your greatest asset – yourself!  

Contact us today to find out how our services can support your and your team’s wellbeing.

Download our 5 Ways to Wellbeing guide here:

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April 8, 2024


Ali Grady

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