Time To Talk Day was started in 2014 by Time To Change to end the stigma and discrimination that surrounds mental health. The awareness campaign runs every year in February and this year’s focus is on creating supportive communities by having conversations with family, friends, or colleagues about mental health.
Here at The Thrive Team, we understand the importance of feeling confident to start a conversation about mental health. We also recognise that it can be a tricky conversation to start. We worry that we might say the wrong thing, or that we’ve got it wrong and we might offend someone. More than likely the opposite is true and the other person is grateful you’ve noticed and feels supported by you being a listening ear
In this short video Ali Grady, our Co-Founder and Director of Coaching and Training shares her suggestions about how to check in on someone you might be worried about.
Often, it really is as simple as asking “How are you?” and being present when listening to their response.
If you’d like to feel more confident having conversations about mental health check out our Managing Mental Health and Wellbeing at Work and Mental Health First Aid courses.
If you’d like to speak to us or find out more about how we could support your or your business, get in touch here. We’d love to hear from you.