Today marks 4 years since we founded The Thrive Team.
When we founded our business in 2019 our aim was to provide a unique blend of search and selection, coaching and development services, as well as mental health awareness training to people and organisations. We know that organisations win when people thrive.
What a 4 years we have all had. A global pandemic, the loss of Her Majesty the Queen, conflict in Europe and a cost-of-living crisis. The world may have changed since our early days, but our commitment to building health, happy, resilient teams remains. Now, more than ever, we know the importance of the work we do.
Using our proven 10 step process we have honed our approach to discovering high-performing leaders, helping organisations thrive. We continue to work to develop leadership skills, mental health awareness and resilience through an extensive suite of training and coaching options and were delighted to achieve CPD Standards Office (CPDSO) accredited status at the end of 2022 for our Managing Mental Health and Wellbeing at Work course and plan to add more to our CPDSO portfolio in 2023 .
We have so many achievements to celebrate since we launched in 2019 and we are excited about the year ahead and the opportunities it brings.
Thank you to all of our clients, our team and supporters past, present and future for being part of The Thrive Team.
If you’re looking for us we will be raising a glass and sharing some cake saying…
Happy 4th Birthday The Thrive Team”