Have you taken a moment to check on your own or your team’s wellbeing recently?
We often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities, pushing to meet deadlines, and taking care of others. But amidst all this chaos, it is vital that we prioritise the wellbeing of ourselves and our teams. That’s why we’re sharing our free Weekly Wellbeing Check Up.
Maintaining our wellbeing can be challenging. Taking a moment every week to consider how you’re doing can help you to identify any areas of wellbeing that need a little extra attention. Our Weekly Wellbeing Check Up is a simple yet effective tool that helps you to do just that by reviewing 4 key areas. It will support you to assess your overall wellbeing across four key areas: health, wellbeing, thinking, and stress management.
By using our Weekly Wellbeing Check Up, you and your team can think about your current wellbeing and take proactive steps where they are needed. Whether you’re an individual assessing your own wellbeing or you lead a team and are concerned about them, this tool provides prompts to help guide your reflection, promote meaningful conversations and take action.
Wellbeing is vital. Prioritising self-care and regular check-ins will not only benefit you but also enable you to show up as your best self for those around you.
Download your copy of our Weekly Wellbeing Check Up at the bottom of this page.
If you’d like to speak to us or find out more about how we could support your or your business, get in touch here. We’d love to hear from you.