If you missed our webinar, in partnership with Actworks Limited, for line managers, HR and OH professionals on Supporting Return to Work Following Illness with COVID-19 you can watch it for free here. In this 90 minute webinar you will gain:
- An understanding of the physical and psychological impact this illness has on individuals and the consequent adjustments that may need to be made in the workplace
- A recap on the physical nature of the disease and residual symptoms after infection has passed
- Awareness of the physical nature of ICU (intensive care unit) treatment and residual physical and psychological effects after discharge
- Ability to identify who needs help and what help might be needed
- An understanding of how to manage the psychological needs of those employees who have not yet had COVID-19
- Knowledge of where to refer employees for external evidence-based help
If you would like to organise an extended 3 hour workshop on this topic for your team please call 01243 957667 or email [email protected].